Bangladesh is a densely populated country with a very low per capita income. Unemployment is rampant and is the prime cause of poverty. Population is growing rapidly adding to unemployed & under-employed labor force. We need to create jobs in rural areas where most people live. This can be done in a relatively short span of time through development of dairy as a principal national industry based on smallholder Agriculture & Milk producing groups spread all over the country.


“Our mission is to promote a modern sustainable Agriculture & Dairy industry in Bangladesh with a view to ameliorating rural poverty and nutritional deficiency with other consequent economic benefits.
We are committed to encouraging smallholder Agriculture & Dairy farmers to produce quality Agri & milk based products at least cost & running their enterprises as profitable, self-sustaining businesses to turn Bangladesh from a Agri & milk deficient to a surplus country.”


It is a Community Based Agri & Dairy Development Project that organizes and develops smallholder farmers for Agri & milk production. Concentrated and focused services are provided through involvement of community to make Agri & livestock farming more profitable with buy back guarantee for purchase of Agricultural Products & Raw milk.